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发布时间:2021-10-23 12:55:15 | 来源:网友投稿

 压力下的世界格局: : 中国和印度如何影响全球经济及环境


 2012年 3月 7号 (星期三)6:30 - 8:00 pm 地点:光华管理学院 1号楼 201教室 主持人:北京大学光华 - 思科领导力研究院院长 武常岐教授 演讲嘉宾:美国乔治城大学国际事务学院教授 卡尔. 达尔曼 (Carl J. Dahlman) 讲座语言:英语

 Time :

 6:30 - 8:00 pm, 7 March, 2012

 Venue: Room 201, Building 1,Guanghua School of Management Host: Professor Changqi WU, Director of Guanghua Leadership Institute

 Speaker: Dr. Carl J. Dahlman

 from Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University

 Lecture language: English

  卡尔. 达尔曼 (Carl J. Dahlman),美国耶鲁大学经济学博士,2005 年加入美国乔治城大学国际事务学院。此前的 25年,一直供职于世界银行,对中国等发展中国家进行了深入的研究和调查。达尔曼教授在他的新书 The World under Pressure: How China and India are Influencing the Global Economy and Environment 中探讨了中国在复杂、相互依存的全球体系中崛起的挑战和机遇。

 Carl J. Dahlman is the Associate Professor at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University.

 He joined Georgetown in January 2005 after more than 25 years of distinguished service at the World Bank. At Georgetown, Dr. Dahlman’s research and teaching explore how the rise of the BRICs are affecting global power, and

 how rapid advances in science, technology and information are influencing the growth prospects of nations, and trade, investment, innovation, education and economic relations in an increasingly globalizing world. At the World Bank Dr. Dahlman served as Senior Advisor to the World Bank Institute and managed the Knowledge for Development (K4D) Program since 1999.

 Carl J. Dahlman will make a presentation based on his new book about how the rapid rise of China and India are creating frictions in the global system that can spiral into trade, resource, cold, and conventional wars; and disastrous climate change. Its main purpose is to provide an integrated view of the impact of their rise in the context of increased global interdependence,

 trade frictions, and the limits of the environment to deal with CO2 emissions. It warns that the stakes are high and that the current international governance system is not up to the challenges of defusing these frictions. As a result, the main powers, including the U.S. the EU, China, and India, have to do more to address these frictions. The changes required, while conceptually straight forward, will be difficult to implement. They are painful and not easy to sell politically.

 However, the cost of not making the changes will lead to greater costs in lower global welfare in the medium and longer run.

 讲 座组织:

 光华- - 思科领导力研究院

 光华管理学院 A MBA 项 目

 T T he lecture is co- - organized by GLI and GSM MBA

推荐访问:印度 中国 全球经济



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