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发布时间:2022-02-22 15:11:12 | 来源:网友投稿



中图分类号:TV68;TV221 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0131-03

Investigation Methods for Hydrogeological Conditions in the Western-Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project with Deep Buried Tunnel

WANG Yuan,LI Dong-tian,WANG Jian-ping,ZONG Guo-qing

(College of Civil Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China)

Abstract:Along the Western Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project,the geologic and climate conditions are very complicated and the field investigations are very difficult to be performed.An integrated remote sensing method is proposed for surveying the hydrogeological condition in the cold upland region at understanding the engineering hydrogeological problem.The remote sensing explanation with the data of multi time phase and multi strata sequence is the basis work,and guound work can improve the survey accuracy.The permeability of rock mass is researched based on several different types of hydrogeological field tests with the consideration of hydrogeological and geomorphic environmental situation.The comprehensive research of hydrogeochemistry and environmental isotope is also done as a very important work for the engineering hydrogeological survey with complicated tectonic surroundings.The research work is hoped to provide scveral new idea for the survey work of the hydrogeological conditions.

Key words:geotechnical engineering;wast route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project;hydrogeological conditions;remote sensing,cold upland region










推荐访问:南水北调 隧洞 水文地质 引水 西线


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