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发布时间:2022-02-22 15:11:38 | 来源:网友投稿



中图分类号:TU471 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0120-04

New Methods for Determination Bearing Capacity Parameter of Pile Foundation in Soft Rocks and Its Application

BIAN Zhi-hua,WEN Song-lin,PANG Zheng-jiang,ZHANG Li-jie

(Key Laboratory of Geotechnical Mechanica and Engineering of the Ministry of Water Resources,Wuhan 430010,China)

Abstract:Soft rock foundation length of the water distribution main channel in Mid-Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion is 68% of the total.Number of pile foundation is the largest in domestic and overseas civil engineering field.Mechanical parameters can not be gained exactly because the means gaining them is defective.It makes project investment increase greatly.New methods of ultimate pile side resistance simulation test and self regulation test pile are demonstrated in the paper.And application of the new methods is introduced.Centrifuge simulation experiment,the computer simulation technology,the pile foundation power examination method and new construction methods improving bearing capacity are demonstrated.It is suggested that all the above new methods are applied in design and in optimizing construction scheme to control unequal foundation settlement,shorten project time and cut down design alteration.

Key words:South-to-Route Water Diversion Midline;soft rock foundation;pile foundation;bearing capacity;new method













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推荐访问:桩基 承载力 南水北调 地基 新方法


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