一、 Opinion Leaders 意见领袖 _____________________________________________ 2
二、 5W Box 5w 理论 _____________________________________________________ 2 三、 The Bias of munication 传媒偏向论 __________________________________ 2
四、 The Spiral of Silence 沉默得螺旋 ________________________________________ 3
五、 Gatekeeper 把关人理论 _______________________________________________ 4
六、 Selective exposure hypothesis 选择性接触假说 _____________________________ 4
七、 Knowledge Gap Theory 知识沟假说______________________________________ 5
八、 Agenda Setting Theory 议程设置理论 ____________________________________ 5
九、 Magic bullet theory 魔弹论 _____________________________________________ 5
十、 Information (Innovation)Diffusion Theory 信息(创新)扩散论 ____________ 6
十一、 Uses and gratifications theory (UGT)
使用与满足理论 ______________________ 7 十二、 Cultivation theory 教养理论 ____________________________________________ 8
十三、 Limited-Effects Theory 有限效果论 ______________________________________ 8
十四、 Marshall Mcluhan Media Theory 麦克卢汉得媒介理论 _______________________ 9
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一、 Opinion Leaders 意见领袖
Active in information networks, have many information channels ,so they can often provide information and advice for others and can influence others、
二、 5W Box 5w 理论
1、 Who municates to whom?(sources and receivers)
2、 Why municate?(function and purposes)
3、 How does munication take place?(channels,languages,codes) 4、 What about?(content,references,types of information)
5、 What are the outes of munication (intend or unintended ), for information,
understandings, action the Rise of Mass Mdia
美国学者 H·拉斯维尔于 1948 年在《传播在社会中得结构与功能》一篇论文中,首次提出了构成传播过程得五种基本要素,并按照一定结构顺序将它们排列,形成了后来人们称之“五W模式”或“拉斯维尔程式”得过程模式。这五个 W 分别就是英语中五个疑问代词得第一个字母,即:
Who (谁)
Says What (说了什么) In Which Channel (通过什么渠道)
To Whom (向谁说) With What Effect (有什么效果)。
三、 The Bias of munication 传媒偏向论
Innis" central focus is the social history of munication media; he believed that the relative stability of cultures depends on the balance and proportion of their media、 To begin our inquiry into this area, he suggests we ask three basic questions:
How do specific munication technologies operate?
What assumptions do they take from and contribute to society?
What forms of power do they encourage?
For Innis, a key to social change is found in the development of munication media、 He claims that each medium embodies a bias in terms of the organization and control of information、 Any empire or society is generally concerned with duration over time and extension in spa
Time-biased media, such as stone and clay, are durable and heavy、 Since they are difficult to move, they do not encourage territorial expansion; however, since they have a long life, they do encourage the extension of empire over time、 Innis associated these media with the customary, thesacred, and the moral、 Time-biased media facilitate the development of social hierarchies, as archetypally exemplified by ancient Egypt、 For Innis, speech is a time—biased medium、
Space-biased media are light and portable; they can be transported o v er large d i s tances 、 T h ey are associate d w i t h sec u l ar a nd territorial societies; they facilitate the expansion of empire over space、 Paper is such a medium; it is readily transported, but has a relatively short lifespan、
四、 The Spiral of Silence 沉默得螺旋
T he spiral of silence is a political science and mass munication theory propounded by the German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann、 Spiral of silence theory describes the process by which one opinion bees dominant as those who perceive their opinion to be in the minority do not speak up because society threatens individuals with fear of isolation、 The assessment of one"s social environment may not always correlate with reality、
For a controversial issue, people will watch the "climate of opinion" before they make ments 、 judging their opinion whether the ”majority opinion", when people feel that their views are "majority" or in the "advantage” , it will tend to boldly express this opinion; when found his views are ”a few” or in a "disadvantage"
they often remain "silent、" The more people remain silent, the more feel that their views are not well accepted, thus a result, the more they tend to remain silent、
Repeated several times, they form representing "dominant” status views and more powerful, while holding ”inferior” opinions of people sound more and more weak, such a cycle, forming a ”one more loudl
y, and the other more and more silent spiral down the process、 ”
五、 Gatekeeper 把关人理论
Lewin was first proposed this idea、
A gatekeeper is a human who controls access to something, for example via a city gate、 In the late 20th century the term came into metaphorical use, referring to individuals who decide whether a given message will be distributed by a mass medium、The information was screened and filtered by municator、 municators decide what we can see and how we can see 、
六、 Selective exposure hypothesis 选择性接触假说
Audience in the contact information of the mass media is not indiscriminate, but more willing to choose the contents that are the same or similar to their opinion, and for the contents of this confrontation or conflict, there is a tendency to avoid、
受众得群体背景可以分成两个方面,一就是人口统计学意义得群体,包括性别、年龄、籍贯、民族、职业、学历等等;二就是社会关系意义上得群体,如家庭、单位、团体、政治、经济与文化得归属阶层,宗教信仰群体等等。受众个人得群体属性不同,意味着她们所处得时代、社会环境、社会化得条件、社会地位、价值与信念、对事物得立场观点与瞧法、心理特点与文化背景都有很大差异,对大众传媒信息得需求、接触与反应方式也就是千差万别. 七、 Knowledge Gap Theory 知识沟假说
Because t h e peop l e w ho have hig h er e c onomic status is usu a lly m uch fast er to get in f o r m atio n th a n those of low s o c ioec o n o m ic status, there fore, the more information is transmitted by the mass media , the knowledge gap between the two types of people is more tend to expand、
基本观点 :
八、 Agenda Setting Theory 议程设置理论
Mass media report an issue or not directly affect people’s perception on the subject、 Mass media highlights an issue will cause people to pay more attention to the issue、
Mass media on a range of topics give different levels of coverage according to a certain order of priority, it will affect people"s judgment about importance of these issues 、
1968 年,麦克姆斯与肖对总统大选进行了调查,瞧媒介议程对公众议程有多大得影响。1972 年提出了议程设置理论,该理论认为大众传播往往不能决定人们对某一事件或意见得具体瞧法,但可以通过提供给信息与安排相关得议题来有效地左右人们关注哪些事实与意见及她们谈论得先后顺序。大众传播可能无法影响人们怎么想,却可以影响人们去想什么.
九、 Magic bullet theory 魔弹论
The message sent by the mass media is like a magic bullet, but the audience as the target without protection ,so the audience can easily be knocked down by the message sent by the mass media、 The theory is that mass media have powerful force which can directly affect audience、
“魔弹论":又称“皮下注射理论”,这就是一种有关媒介具有强大效果得观点.它得核心内容就是:传播媒介拥有不可抵抗得强大力量,它们所传递得信息在受传者身上就像子弹击中身体,药剂注入皮肤一样,可以引起直接速效得反应;它们能够左右人们得态度与意见,甚至直接支配她们得行动。这种理论流行于第一次世界大战至20 世纪 30 年代,到 40 年代这一理论便
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十、 Information (Innovation)Diffusion Theory 信息(创新)扩散论
Information (Innovation)Diffusion Theory is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread through cultures、 Everett Rogers, a professor of munication studies, popularized the theory in his book Diffusion of Innovations; Rogers argues that diffusion is the process by which an innovation is municated through certain channels over time among the participants in a social system、 The origins of the diffusion of innovations theory are varied and span multiple disciplines、 Rogers proposes that four main elements influence the spread of a new idea:
the innovation itself, munication channels, time, and a social system、 This process relies heavily on human capital、 The innovation must be widely adopted in order to self—sustain、 Within the rate of adoption, there is a point at which an innovation reaches critical mass、 The categories of adopters are: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards、 Diffusion manifests itself in different ways in various cultures and fields and is highly subject to the type of adopters and innovation-decision process、
创新推广理论(Innovation Diffusion Theory)又译成创新传播理论、创新散布理论、创新扩散理论、革新传播理论等. “创新推广”最早出现于 20 世纪初法国社会学家、哲学家 Gabriel Tarde得《模仿定律》(the Law of Imitation)一书。
最早将现代创新推广理论运用于实践研究中得就是美国爱荷华州立大学得 Ryan 与 Gross 于 1943 年进行得一个农业研究项目.Ryan 与 Gross 从农业社会学得角度出发,对创新技术得一些采用者进行访谈,以此来考察与采用技术相关得一系列因素。这种基于访谈形式得研究方法从此成为创新推广研究得一种主要研究法。
而最早将扩散推广理论作为传播学内容进行研究得,同时在这方面得研究中最负盛名得当首推传播学家罗杰斯(Everett M、
Rogers)及其著作《创新推广》(Diffusion of Innovation)。《创新推广》初版发行于 1960年,现在最新得版本为 1995 年修订版。罗杰斯在书中认为,创新推广就是指一项新事物通过特定得传播通道,逐渐为某些特定社群成员所了解与采用得过程,也就是推广作用得应用.书中所论述到得创新推广理论中,其中有几点受到广泛关注:
(一)创新得推广决策过程,包括五个阶段 1、获知(Knowledge)-—接触创新并略知其如何运作 2、说服(Persuasion)—-有关创新得态度形成 3、决策(Decision)--确定采用或拒绝一项创新活动 4、实施(Implementation)-—投入创新得运用
5、确认(Confirmation)—-强化或撤回关于创新得决定 (二)受采用得创新得特征
2、兼容性—-一项创新与现有价值观、以往经验预期采用者得需求同存得程度; 3、复杂性—-一项创新理解与运用得难度;
4、可实验性--一项创新在有限基础上可被试验得程度; 十一、 Uses and gratifications theory (UGT)
Uses and gratifications theory (UGT)
is an approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs、 UGT is an audience-centered approach to understanding mass munication、 Diverging from other media effect theories that question "what does media do to people?", UGT focuses on ”what do peo p le do with m e dia ? ”
This mun i c a ti o n t heory is posit i v istic in its approach, based in the socio—psychological munication tradition, and focuses on munication at the mass media scale、 The driving question of UGT is:
Why do people use media and what do they use them for? UGT discusses how users deliberately choose media that will satis f y gi v en n e eds and allow one t o enhance knowled g e , relax a t ion, social interactions/panionship, diversion, or escape、
It assumes that audience members are not passive consumers of media、 Rather, the audience has power over their media consumption and assumes an active role in interpreting and integrating media into their own lives、 Unlike other theoretical perspectives, UGT holds that audiences are responsible for choosing media to meet their desires and needs to achieve gratification、 This theory would then imply that the media pete against other information sources for viewers’ gratification、
U GT has a h eu r istic va l u e today be c a use it gives mun i cati o n sc h o lars a "perspective through which a number of ideas and theories about media choice, consumption, and even impact can be viewed
使用与满足理论(Uses and Gratifications theory )就是认为阅听人(media audience)可以主动使用媒体来寻找可满足自身需求得信息.认为阅听人并非各类媒体下得无助者,而就是可利用媒体来满足各类不同得需求,这些需求即阅听人使用媒介得动机。
使用与满足理论就是由 Elihu Katz、Jay Blumler、Mickael Gurevitch 等学者于1974 年出版得《大众传播媒体得使用》(The uses of Mass munication)一书中所提出。此理论强调以「主动得阅听人」为中心,反对媒体万能论以来被动接收者得概念,认为阅听人绝非被动得接收者,强调阅听人与媒体之间得自愿性与选择性。此一理论开启了新得研究方向,开始了阅听人如何运用传媒得研究,并持续发展出许多得相关研究。
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十二、 Cultivation theory 教养理论
Cultivation theory is a social theory which examines the long—term effects of television、 "The primary proposition of cultivation theory states that the more time people spend ”living" in the television world, the more likely they are to believe social reality portrayed on television、 Cultivation leaves people with a misperception of what is true in our world、
Developed by George Gerbner and Larry Gross of the University of Pennsylvania, cultivation theory derived from several large—scale research projects as part of an overall research project entitled 'Cultural Indi
cators’、 The purpose of the Cultural Indicators project was to identify and track the ’cultivated’ effects of television on viewers、 They were "concerned with the effects of television programming (particularly violent programming) on the attitudes and behaviors of the American public、" Gerbner asserts that the overall concern about the effects of television on audiences stemmed from the unprecedented centrality of television in American culture、 "The theory clearly posits that the cultivation effect occurs only after long—term, cumulative exposure to television、 ” He claimed that because TV contains so much violence, ”people who spend the most time in front of the tube develop an exaggerated belief in a mean and scary world、 ”He posited that television as a mass medium of munication had formed into a mon symbolic environment that bound diverse munities together, socializing people into standardized roles and behaviors、 "Today, the TV set is a key member of the household, with virtually unlimited access to every person in the family、" He pared the power of television to the power of religion, saying that television was to modern society what religion once was in earlier times、
Cultivation Analysis is a positivistic theory, meaning it assumes the existence of objective reality and value-neutral research、 A study conducted by Jennings Bryant and Dorina Miron (2004), which surveyed almost 2,000 articles published in the three top mass munication journals since 1956, found that Cultivation Analysis was the third most frequently utilized theory, showing that it continues to be one of the most popular theories in mass munication research、
教养理论(Cultivation Theory),又称培养理论、涵化理论、涵化假设、涵化分析,格伯纳等人认为, 在现代社会传播媒介提示得“象征性现实" 对人们认识与理解现实世界发挥着巨大得影响。
由于传播媒介得某些倾向性、人们在心目中描绘得“主观现实” 与实际存在得客观现实之间发生着很大得偏离。同时,这种影响不就是短期得,而就是一个长期得、潜移默化得、培养得过程, 它在不知不觉当中制约着人们得现实观。在这个意义上,格伯纳等人将这一研究称为“教养理论”。
十三、 Limited-Effects Theory 有限效果论
1、 Media rarely directly influence individuals、
2、 There is a two-step flow of media influence、
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3、 By the time most people bee adults, they have developed strongly held group
mitments such as political party and religious affiliations、 These affiliations provide an effective barrier against media influence、
4、 When media effects do occur, they are modest and isolated、
十四、 Marshall Mcluhan Media Theory 麦克卢汉得媒介理论
1、 The extensions of man
Mcluhan’s idea that media literally extend sight,hearing,and touch t
hrough time and space、 2、 The Medium Is the Massage
Mcluhan’s idea the new forms of media transform our experience of ourselves and our society and this influence is ultimately more important than the content of specific messages、 3、 The Global Village
Mcluhan’s conception of a new form of social organization emerging as instantaneous electronic media tie the entire world into one great social, political and cultural system 4、 "Hot" and ”cool" media
In the first part of Understanding Media, McLuhan also stated that different media invite different degrees of participation on the part of a person who chooses to consume a medium、 Some media, such as film, were ”hot" — that is, they enhance one single sense, in this case vision, in such a manner that a person does not need to exert much effort in filling in the details of a movie image、 McLuhan contrasted this with "cool" TV, which he claimed requires more effort on the part of viewer to determine meaning, and ics, which due to their minimal presentation of visual detail require a high degree of effort to fill in details that the cartoonist may have intended to portray、 A movie is thus said by McLuhan to be "hot", intensifying one single sense ”high definition", demanding a viewer's attention, and a ic book to be ”cool" and "low definition", requiring much more conscious participation by the reader to extract value、
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1、 冷媒介与热媒介 A hot medium is one that extend one single sense in “high definition “High definition is the state of being well filled with date、And ,hot media do not leave so much to be filled or in pleted by the audience,namly,low in participation,such as radia,moive、By contrast ,a cold mediun is low dedinition and it gives a amount of information,there,cool media are high in participation or pletion by audience、for example,a photo ,there is too little information to understand、 2 两级传播、two-step flow of munication In simple words,it can be drawn”media source—opinion leaders —--general population、”when the opinion leaders adopted that from media ,thus,changes had happened on the pupulace、this suggests that ideas ofen flow from to the opinion leaders and from them the less active section of
the population、To illustrate it ,I’ll give an example:A man is going to vote A for predisent,but his friend strongly remended B,what’s more,his friend lists many reasons that from media ,at last,the man choosed B、The voting course is the two—step flow of munication、 3、 意见领袖 opinion leadership The opinion leadership playd a special role in the network of personal relationgships, they engaged in political dission much more than the
rest of the respondents、 o illustrate it ,I’ll give an example:A man is going to vote A for predisent,but his friend strongly remended B,what’s more,his friend lists many reasons that from media ,at last,the man choosed B、In this course ,the friend is the opinion leadership、 3、Three hypothetial positions
①.The first hypothetial position is the dominant-hegemonic position,state in another way,when the viewer takes the connoted meaning from a medium ,the decodes the message in terms of the reference code in which it has been ecoded,we might say the viewer is operating inside
the dominant code、 ②、The second is negotiated code、simply,corporate decodings,decoding within the negotiated version contains a mixture of adaptive and oppositional elements、what"s more, negotiated codes operate through particular or situated logics、 ③、The third is oppositional code、As we all know,it is possible for a viwer perfectly to understand the meaning given by a discourse but to decode the message in a globally contrary way、Viwers detotalized the message in the preferred code in order to retotalize the message、 4、 Ecoding and decoding编码与译码 Ecoding is that the media express their ideas through constructing some of the limits and parameters、It can attempt to”pre-let"but can"t prescibe or guarantee、Dedoding has its own conditions of existence、The audience understands the message in their own way、Thus,there is no necessary correspondence between encoding and decoding,and, the two hardly be “a perfectly equivalent circuit”、 5、MINERVA’s Owl begins its flight only in the gathering dusk、 Literally,the MINERVA is the wisdom goddness of Roman,and the “owl"refers to intelligence、The whole senstence means that the crystallization(结晶)
of culture achieved in the period that saw the decline the fall of civilization、 In history,the illustration (例子)are abundant,such as classical Greece,Rome,the rupublican cities of Itanly,and so forth、 6、According to Innis,what’s follow after the flowering of the culture?(这道题答案不就是很确定哦!) After the flowering of the culture,here es its collapse、As the saying puts it , MINERVA’s Owl begins its flight only in the gathering dusk、Taking Byzantine Empire (拜占庭帝国)
as an example:When it achieved great culture in forteen centuries and fifteen centuries,howerve ,it was falling into ingredent(崩溃) munication and that marked changes in munication、 学派名称及代表人物、主要思想
学派名称 代表人物 主要思想 伯明翰学派 (Britsh Cutural Studies) (The birminghan school of cultural studies)
Stuart Hall Ecoding and decoding; Three hypothetial positions(三大假设) 法兰克福学派(历史最悠久) The Frankfort School
Max Horkhemer Theodor Adorno
芝加哥学派(20 世纪美国社会科学领域最有影响得学派) The Chicago School Robert Park (被称为开创了大众传播研究得学者)
多伦多学派 (The Toronto School) Harold Innis; Marshall Mcluhan Media determinism(媒介决定论) Hot and cold; Media extension (媒介延伸)
传播学四大奠基人(the four funders of minicatiology)
1. Lazarsfeld :opinion leadship; two—step flow of munication 2. Lasswell:5W 3. Lewin:
4. Cart horland :research of persuasion(说服效果研究)
PS:美国学者多为经验学派(emprical shool),欧洲尤其就是以Frankfort 学派为代表主要为批判学派(critical school)
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