提 要 以往的研究中,多将营利性的语言培训机构作为该行业产品的主要供给者,较少将非营利性语言培训服务的供给主体涵盖于其中。随着中国经济和社会的发展,特别是“一带一路”倡议的提出,对国民的语言能力和语言人才的培养都提出了新的要求,有必要整合政府部门、企事业单位和社会团体等不同性质的供给主体和教育资源共同服务于国民语言能力提升、国家语言人才培养这一总体目标。在从“治理a”角度实现多元主体积极参与的同时,还需要按照产业运行与发展的要求,合理配置资源,平衡供需关系。本文提出“大语言产业观”的研究视角,旨在打通“产业”与“事业”的界限,探讨语言培训行业供给侧多元主体整合的可行性以及相关策略。
关键词 语言培训;语言产业;供给侧;治理
Abstract Language training is one of the integral parts of language industry. Previously, most studies pay more attention to profit making language by the training institutions. As a result, few researchers embraced the non-profit providers in their work. With the rapid development of economy and radical social changes in China, especially after the official launch of ‘The Belt and Road Initiative’, it has incurred higher requirements on the national language ability and the language professional’s training. Correspondingly, it deems necessary to integrate the enterprises and institutions, social organizations, the profit and non-profit providers of language training products and services under the full purview of the research. Against this backdrop, this paper attempts to broaden the original boundary of ‘Language Industry’ as a research area with an aim to break the separation between the public institution and commercial venture in providing language service. With this integration, while it enables the engagement of the multiparty, it is also desirable to achieve well-balanced distribution of various resources and in order to optimize the relationship between supply and demand. With reference to the statistic methods employed in the
national policy concerning the cultural cause and the relevant activities, we propose a concept of holistic view of language industry as a perspective of dealing with language professional training. As a conclusion, revolving around the newly emerging demands in national strategy towards the national language ability, this paper explores the possibility and strategies of bringing together the multi providers of language training efforts.
Key words language training; Language Industry; the supply side; governance
一、引 論
“语言培训”是指通过一段时间的学习和训练,使受训人获得某种语言能力的过程。从培训内容来看,有外语、母语、少数民族语言、方言,有手语、盲文,还有语言障碍康复。从培训的供给主体来看,有民营教育培训机构、各层次公办学校、政府部门、企事业单位和社会团体等。其中,营利性质的语言培训,属于“语言商品”;不以营利为目的的语言培训,可以称为“语言产品”。后者学习者不仅不需要付费,还会获得不同形式资助的“语言福利”(陈鹏 2016;李宇明 2014)。
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