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发布时间:2023-07-08 08:24:02 | 来源:网友投稿

摘 要:体育健身团队以其丰富的活动供给满足了广大人民群众多样化的体育需求,是生活中最普遍、群众最易接触的基层健身组织。对北京市城市体育健身团队日常活动及内部管理情况进行调查并与2008年调查结果进行对比,以全面掌握体育健身团队活动与内部管理特征。研究结果表明:北京市城市体育健身团队以居民自发组织成立为主,创立及备案主要时间为2006—2011年,备案率高且以街道为主要备案部门;多为中小规模,参与主体具有高度异质性,以女性及中老年人群为主;日常活动项目较2008年多样,具有低竞技性、对场地要求低的特点;活动场地条件较2008年优越、近居住地;活动时间规律、多在早晨活动;活动频率高、持续时间长;负责人、骨干成员分别负责团队组织管理、组织团队活动开展;决策方式因事而异,决策程序简单;内部规范正式且队员能自觉遵守;团队成员关系融洽,个别冲突源于争夺资源、价值观不同,多通过调解法、拖延法化解。

关 键 词:社会体育;全民健身;体育健身团队;北京

中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2019)05-0064-07

Abstract: Sports fitness teams meet the diversified sports needs of the masses with their miscellaneous activities, are the most widespread grassroots fitness organizations accessible to the masses in life. The authors investigated the daily activities and internal management of Beijing urban sports fitness teams and compared them with the 2008 investigation results, so as to gain a comprehensive insight into the characteristics of the activities and internal management of the sports fitness teams. The research results indicate the followings: Beijing urban sports fitness teams were mostly established by residents spontaneously, mainly established and recorded in between 2006 and 2011, having a high recorded rate and mainly basing on streets as the recording departments; most of them were medium and small scale teams, their participation subjects were highly heterogeneous, mainly females and middle-aged and aged people; their daily activity events were more diversified than those in 2008, provided with such characteristics as low competitiveness and low site requirements; their activity sites had conditions better than those in 2008, and were near to residences; their activity times were regular, mostly in the morning; they had a high activity frequency and a long duration time; their principals and key members were responsible respectively for team organization and management and team activity development organization; their ways of decision making varied with specific things, their decision making procedure was simple; their internal norms were normative and abided by team members conscientiously; the team member relationship was harmonious, individual conflicts originated from fighting for resources or value views difference, were resolved mostly by arbitral settlement or delay.

Key words: social sports;national fitness;sports fitness team;Beijing


推荐访问:北京市 内部管理 特征 体育健身 团队



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