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发布时间:2023-07-23 13:54:02 | 来源:网友投稿


《城市广场》讲述的是古希腊罗马文明时期最后一位古典学者、女性哲学家、数学家、天文学家、占星学家以及教师Hypatia (约370~415)在基督教席卷西方世界时被杀害的悲剧故事。影片的名称“Agora”来自于希腊语“agorein”,意为“public square”(城市广场)。城市广场在古希腊社会生活中占有重要地位,无数的辩论和演讲都在此地发生,它是民主观念的发源地,从某种程度上就是民主和多元思想的代名词。而Hypatia之死的悲剧也意味着多元思想从此被一元宗教终结的结局。


影片一开始就将我们带回到公元4世纪罗马统治下的亚历山大城。此时的罗马帝国摇摇欲坠,新兴的基督教和古代多神教发生激烈的碰撞,奴隶社会正逐渐向封建社会转变。公元391年,罗马皇帝Theodosius I宣布基督教为国教,更加速了基督教的传播。而亚历山大城,这座古埃及、古希腊、古罗马和早期基督教文明相互交织,并拥有人类早期历史上最伟大的图书馆——亚历山大图书馆和古代世界七大奇迹中的亚历山大灯塔的伟大城市,也成为多神教和古典学者的最后堡垒。


Davus: Earth is the center of the cosmos. And revolving around it, the sun, and five wanderers (行星): Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, obstinately disobeying the law of the circle. Nevertheless, Ptolemy shows us that they do obey. The fact that we see them move in a loop is due to the joint effect of two circles. One that travels around the earth, and another lesser circle, prophet to each wanderer 1). So you see it’s heaven earth, but our eyes that deceive us.

Orestes: I tell you, the Gods should have consulted me before they created anything.

Hypatia: Why do you say that, Orestes?

Orestes: It all seems so whimsical (古怪的)! Why is the joint effect of two circles? Wouldn’t it be more perfect if the wanderers didn’t wander and a single circle gives sense to everything?

Synesius: Orestes, by what authority do you judge the work of God?

Orestes: What is wrong with you, Christians? Can a man no longer open his mouth in this city?

Synesius: If you criticize creation, you criticize our Lord and you offend us.

Orestes: You should move out to the desert. You won’t hear anything to offend you out there.

Synesius: You know nothing of what you speak. None of you.

Hypatia: Synesius, what is Euclid2)’s first rule?


Synesius: If two things are equal to a third thing, then they are all equal to each other.

Hypatia: Good. Now, are you both similar to me? ... Now I’m actually saying with everybody here in this room. More things unite us than divide us. Now, whatever may be going on in the streets, we are brothers. We are brothers. I want you to remember that brawls (争吵) are for slaves and riffraffs (乌合之众).



Ammonius: He’ll judge us all, alive and dead! And then it will be too late, because only those who believed in Jesus will be saved. What are you waiting for? The Kingdom of God is upon us. Do you understand what I’m telling you?




Hypatia: [To Orestes], I’ve been thinking something you said about to me. That day you criticized the heavenly mechanism, and you called it whimsical.

Orestes: Yes, although ... actually, I was criticizing Ptolemy for complicating everything with his epicycles (本轮,详见注释1). But I don’t know, perhaps I’m just simple-minded.

Hypatia: No, the heavens should be simple.... What if … what if there were a simpler explanation for the wanderers?

Elderly: There is.... Aristarchus3) maintained that the earth moves…. The sun would be in the center, as befits his dignity as “King of the Stars”.

Hypatia: It would make Earth just another wanderer.

Vanus: If the earth is moving, every time you drop an object, it would fall further behind, and the wind would always blow against us, and the birds would lose their way in flight.

Hypatia: I feel that what you said can be refuted. But right now I don’t know how.



Prefect: Prepare to hear and obey the verdict of our emperor. I, Flavius Theodosius Augustus, emperor and Supreme Head of the provinces of the Orient … do hereby declare and command that the insurgents (起义者) shall be pardoned and freed.... In exchange for my generosity, the insurgents will abandon the Serapeum and the Library immediately, allowing the Christians to enter and dispose of the premises as they see fit.





Cyril: Christians all. Last night was a night to deplore. Now I say to you, grieve no longer for our dead brothers. Weep not. Shed your tears for the others, for they are executioners.... Weep for the Jews, those evil butchers of our Lord, because God has already condemned them. It is God’s will that they live as slaves, cursed and exiled until the end of time. cursed and exiled!



Davus: Tell me something. Do you ever think we’re mistaken?

Ammonius: Why?

Davus: I was forgiven. But now, I can’t forgive.

Ammonius: Forgive? Who? The Jews?

Davus: Well, Jesus pardoned them on the cross.

Ammonius: Jesus was God and only he can show such clemency (仁慈). Brother, we are still alive. Why? Because it was his will to save us from the stones. God wants us here, doing what we do. Don’t you believe in that anymore?

“God wants us here, doing what we do.”在这样的逻辑下,一切都可以在God的名义下进行。当犹太教徒最终被清洗,就只有Hypatia几个人需要对付了。Cyril假以讨论“和平”的名义邀请包括Orestes和Hypatia在内的各界人士参加讨论,并在会上借信仰基督教的官员的嘴说出了他的真正意图:要求所有人皈依基督教。

Official: The majority of us here have accepted Christ. Why not the rest of you? It’s only a matter of time and you know it!

Hypatia: Really? It is just a matter of time? Well, excuse me, honored member, but as far as I’m aware your God has not yet proved himself to be more just or more merciful than their predecessors. Is it really just a question of time before I accept your faith?

Official: Why, then, should this assembly accept the counsel of someone who admittedly believes in absolutely nothing?

Hypatia: I believe in philosophy.


Cyril: Reading from the first letter of Paul to Timothy: “... I desire women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds…. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. This is the word of God!” ... And yet, I know some in Alexandria who admire and even trust in the word of a woman, the philosopher Hypatia. A woman who declared in public her ungodliness. A witch! Dignitaries, it is the time for you all to reconcile yourselves with Christ. This is the word of God.

Cyril说的话句句都在针对Hypatia,当他手捧《圣经》要求官员们下跪接受时,所有人都不得不服从,只有Orestes拂袖而去。但Orestes在门外遭到基督徒们的围堵,并被Omminius用石头打伤。回到府邸,孤独无援的Orestes向昔日的同学、现任主教的Synesius寻求帮助,但是Synesius却早已加入Cyril的阵营。 最终,孤立无援的Orestes也不得不在现实面前低头。


Orestes: All dignitaries who have yet to embrace the Christian faith are to be baptized in public....

Hypatia: You speak of peddling faith. Ok, very well. Since everything seems to be decided already, I didn’t understand why you required my presence here.

Orestes: If you don’t agree, I won’t be able to protect you any longer... Don’t you see? I can’t go on without you... Without you, I can’t defeat Cyril.

Hypatia: Oh Orestes, Cyril has already won.

当Orestes也无力保护Hypatia时,就没有什么能阻挡基督徒了,他们抓住了Hypatia,要用刀子刺入她的皮肤。在一旁冷眼旁观却无法拯救自己心爱女人的Davus最终对基督徒说了一句话:“Don’t stain your hands with impure blood.”众人听后决定用乱石砸死Hypatia。为了不让Hypatia受到这样的凌辱,Davus趁众人找寻石头的空当亲手结束了Hypatia的生命……



The body of Hypatia was mutilated and the remains were dragged through the streets and burned in a fire. Orestes was outlawed forever and Cyril took control of the power in Alexandria. Later, Cyril was declared a saint and Doctor of the church. Although not any of Hypatia works remains, it is known that she was an exceptional astronomer, well-known for the mathematical study of conical curves….

虽然Davus和Orestes都深爱着Hypatia,但他们都太过渺小,无力阻止Hypatia和她代表的那个理性古典时代的悲剧式宿命。作为奴隶,Davus虽然通过拥抱基督教而获得自由,却又不由自主地被另一种力量所奴役,他无力摆脱,最终迷失在两个世界之间。作为政治家, Orestes则选择通过妥协来达到某种平衡,但是在当时新生的、极端排他的基督教运动面前,他并没有妥协的空间,最终,Cyril代表的宗教力量战胜并取代了世俗政府。而随着Hypatia最后一个古典学者的死去,西方世界滑入了近千年的“黑暗中世纪”(Dark Medieval Ages)。一千多年后,西方世界才开始破除枷锁,发起文艺复兴运动,而所谓的“复兴”,就是试图找回早期古典时期的理性精神。

拍摄这样一部影片其实需要很大的勇气,因为影片中涉及到的基督教内容相当敏感。在我看来,这部影片的精髓超越了对基督教本身的评价,更多的是向Hypatia身上所代表的“智慧”“理性”和“坚持”等古典时代价值致敬。Hypatia质疑一切,她质疑基督教,也质疑希腊科学家关于天体运行的众多理论。也正是这种质疑使她超脱于她的时代,成为另类的史诗英雄。最后用Hypatia拒绝接受基督教洗礼时对她的学生Synesius说的话作为结尾,与大家共勉独立精神的重要性:“Synesius, you don’t question what you believe. I cannot. I must.”


2. Euclid:欧几里得(323 BC~283 BC),古希腊数学家,被称为“几何之父”。

3.Aristarchus:阿里斯塔克斯(约310 BC~约230 BC),古希腊天文学家、数学家,首位提倡日心说的天文学者

推荐访问:史诗 终结 悲剧 古典 广场



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